5 Ways to Select Broad Niche for Blog.

Online Classes

The popular 'school of thought' when creating a blog is that the more focused the niche the greater chances of success you will have. On the other hand however blogging sites offer a environment that can actually flourish by offering a wider range of topics and interest to readers. The key is to keep these topics woven together in such a way that they are relevant to the overall 'fabric' of the content presented on the site. The key word here is relevance which is something the best blog sites do well to maintain but only on a more focused level than what is being suggested here. Of course the reasoning for any blogging sites to clearly define their focus is that it will minimize their competition.

There is something to be said for being the big fish in a small pond but on the other hand suppose the niche you chose is broad enough to support many 'varying' sub-niches? Now you have created a more 'mall' like environment as opposed to a smaller 'specialty' store.

Here are 5 ways blogging sites that offer a broader range of 'relevant' topics can be of benefit to both the readers and blogger as well!

Theme Selection

Theme selection now allows for a bit more creativity as you 'customize' your selection to apply to and/or engulf your subject matter. Even though your site may contain a broader range of material making it appear less defined, it will be unique in the way you decide to pull it all together. The right selection along with the proper coordination of content offers you great branding opportunities.

Attracts a Broader Range of Traffic

It stands to reason that by offering a greater variety of content/interests it will tend to attract a larger crowd. In so many words you are now casting a bigger net! When blogging your ability to get visitors to return is just as important as traffic generation itself! When using a broader ranging approach as being suggested your success is dependent upon content coordination as far as establishing relevance. Remember you want to 'weave' your content together into the overall fabric of your platform in a way that makes sense and is also of interest to visitors.

Going on Tangents Allowed

On many blogging sites some comments tend to go on tangents or 'drift' from the posted content. Now many site administrators frown upon this and even filter out such comments since it 'detracts' from the posted content. On a site that offers a broader focus such commenting is in fact helpful being it can encourage others to join in that may not have done so otherwise. Remember you have a wider focus and range of topics therefore you also have a reader base with more wide ranging interests as well! Although the content of one post may not be of interest to all readers, some of the commenting may get their attention compelling them to join in as well. Now you have greater participation which is something the best blog sites online are noted for and what attracts even more traffic. This also tends to broaden the perspectives of some readers who are exposed to subject matter they may not, have otherwise not considered.

More Varied/Wider Product Offerings

If your intentions are to earn an income, which is admirable, ambitious and understandable than this approach offers multiple streams of income. It will be much easier to monetize the site and easier to locate and/or create products of interest to your readers. Some say the money is in the niche and in this case you could conceivably be working several simultaneously!

Content Creation is Easier

Probably the single toughest thing about blogging is continuing to create interesting content for people to view. This is due primarily to running out of topics to write about since in most cases the niche is well defined limiting you to what you can base your updates on. This will not be the case on a site that discusses a broader range of subject matter!

When creating a blog with lesser focus than the more clearly defined micro niche blogs you need to know a little about a lot. Some of the best blog sites have been successful by concentrating on narrower topic parameters but the approach suggested here tends to throw the doors wide open. In doing so a wider range of participants is now invited to join in to exchange their ideas. As topics begin to demonstrate their relevance to others being discussed or posted, participation expands, as does the interest of the participants themselves. Now people are getting a better education on different aspects of an already existing interest they have they may not have considered previously. In this way you now have the potential to become one of the best blog sites in a market segment that tends to go 'broad' but still maintains relevancy. Welcome to macro niche blogging!


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